Thursday, February 12, 2015

Your mission

You are studying to become an archaeologist so that you can investigate the mysterious ancient past in greater detail. However, you first need to learn what archaeologists do.

In pairs (or small groups) you will use the following links to help you complete your investigation into archaeology.

You will collect and organise your information using the question sheet.

You will then present this information using powerpoint. 


1.      Definition of the word ‘archaeologist’.

2.      What is the difference between archaeology and anthropology?

3.      What are some things that archaeologists learn from digs?

4.      How do archaeologists know that there are things in the ground just by bumps on the ground?

5.      Investigate the ‘Bog Mummies’. How do some archaeologists think the bog mummies ended up in the bog?

6.      Explore the ‘Odyssey in Egypt’ website. Write down three interesting things you have learnt about archaeology in Egypt.

7.      Investigate underwater archaeology. Write down three interesting things you have learnt about underwater archaeology. 


Dr Dig Website

More info from Dr Dig

Learning from digs

When is a bump not just a bump?

Are you my mummy?

More on bog mummies

Odyssey in Egypt

Underwater archaeology

Powerpoint template link for you to use if you're having difficulty starting up a new powerpoint presentation.

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